Escalante Crawl

April 27, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Saturday April 27, 2024: We will be leaving at the Delta City Market at
9am, It will be a full day so bring lunch, snacks, enough water to keep
you and your passengers from dying. We’ll be able to see the river but
it’s a long drop for a drink. Round trip back to starting point is
about 87 miles, so have a full tank of gas. There are a couple of neat
places for lunch, so bring folding chairs if you want. Bring a camera
if you want, there are some really beautiful vistas looking across the
canyon, and we will make several stops just to appreciate the beauty of
the area. There will be 2 opportunities to head home during the trip as
we will have to get back on the highway for short periods, so if you
don’t know if you can make the full run, that’s ok. We will be running
WS4W Ch4 (158.400) for this adventure.

For the people who do not have paid subscriptions to onxmaps, you can
still download the track and view it, if you would like.